Moldova maintains momentum through Torino Process

Moldova - Vera Chilari

‘Policymakers, partners and donors use the Torino Process to help the vocational education and training (VET) system become more career-oriented, affordable and flexible,’ says Vera Chilari, Moldova’s Torino Process coordinator.

Working with the Torino Process since its launch, Moldova has built an impressive network of stakeholders, including ministries of education, labour, finance, agriculture and economy. Working together with territorial development and agencies such as the national statistics bureau, the chamber of commerce and industry, sector committees, the department of migration, border police and NGOs representing business and SMEs.

The past two years have been challenging for Moldova. Political instability and economic and social crises, including a sharp depreciation in the value of the national currency and rising inflation. An increase in outward migration, as the highly skilled seek better opportunities abroad, means the country did not reach targets set at the beginning of the fourth round of the Torino Process.

Despite this, Chilari, a senior consultant in the department of VET at the Ministry of Education, says: ‘We have noted significant progress in key legislation and the support of the government for reforms: an educational code was approved as well as the VET strategy, creating a solid basis for new policies in education.’

The VET system has been reconfigured to create three types of institutes: centres of excellence, colleges and vocational schools. The government has also approved a roadmap that includes promoting the attractiveness of VET.

The Torino Process has enabled VET managers in Moldova to identify ‘what we have; why we are in such a situation; and how to move forward based on our findings,’ Chilari says.

Compulsory dual education is being piloted with the support of 15 companies including private electricity distributor Red Union Fenosa and German car parts supplier Dräxlmaier.

(Read about Moldova’s move towards dual education in Issue 37 of Live&Learn here. )

A pilot tracer study identifying routes into employment for VET graduates is due to go national soon.

Future priorities include creating a careers guidance system, certifying non-formal and prior learning and developing a mechanism for identifying labour market needs.

Moldova will discuss the priorities at the upcoming Torino Process – Changing Skills for a Changing World – international conference June 7-8, Turin, Italy.

*Find out what Moldova’s Deputy Education Minister Cristina Boaghi had to say about the Torino Process at a recent stakeholder meeting – here.

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